SFGuru Explorer Release Notes

1.2.5484.28185 (06-01-2015)

  • Multitenancy added to manage multiple ShareFile accounts
  • Multithreading added to improve SFGuru Explorer speed up to 500%
  • Processing Queue to optimize and run multiple jobs at once
  • Multi Select to apply an ACL template to several folder, across your ShareFile environment by a single click
  • Force Inherit of Rights to remove legacy distribution groups from your ShareFile folders
  • Manage process queue in case you’ve made a mistake and need to remove a single, or multiple tasks from the process queue.
  • Improved status windows to notify a job/task is finished
  • Folders overview to export your complete ShareFile folder structure (Incl gui with advanced filtering and export to .xml .xls).
  • Option to auto close status overview window when jobs/task finishes
  • Advanced status overview windows with filtering and export feature.
  • An option to report application errors/exceptions for development/bug traces. Errors reports can be reported anonymous

1.1.5429.33950 (12-11-2014)

  • Bugfix for “An error occured: Object waarvoor null is toegestaan, moet een waarde hebben.”

1.1.5422.24887 (05-11-2014)

  • “Reset Access Rights on all Subfolders” function added to “Current Access Right”
  • Ability to create new folders in “Shared with me” from with the SFGuru Explorer treeview (Right click folder)
  • Tools > Get Clients option to retrieve all client users in ShareFile account
  • Version check can automatically downloads upcoming releases

1.0.5408.35111 (25-10-2014)

  • Initial release